My work reflects themes of pre-Columbian spirituality, exploring the intricate relationships between mortality, the afterlife, the sacred, and the supernatural, cosmology, and Mother Nature. I explore visual expressions of pre-Columbian metaphysics, mysticism, and ethnobotany, including the iconography of Teotl (which represents sacredness or divinity) and Ayahuasca, often referred to as the vine of the soul.
I endeavor to emulate the formations, patterns, and movements intrinsic to the natural world, which is a vital source of inspiration.
This influence is reflected in the biomorphic compositions of lines, colors, and shapes that characterize my art. These create a dialogue between the viewer and the sacred narratives that have long existed within the cultural tapestry of pre-Columbian heritage.
Through my practice, I invite contemplation of these ancient beliefs and their relevance in contemporary discourse, fostering a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with nature and the cosmos.